Wondering about berthage? Come down to the office and fill out a berthage request application. We'll do our best to accommodate your based on availability and space. Looking for a trap berth? We have applications for those as well!
If you notice that something is broken on the wharf [ladder, posts, etc.], call the office (662-8482). We'll send our Harbour Manager to the wharf to assess the situation and see what we can do to fix the problem.
Coming to visit Grand Manan in your sailboat? Off of the North Head wharf there are moorings available for use, at no charge!
Please contact the office and we'll let you know the prices of the services we offer.
The office is located at 315 Ingalls Head Road. Above the door there is a sign at says "Grand Manan Fishermen's Association" - come up the stairs and you've found us!